Fox News Hires Dennis Kucinich

Fox News Hires Dennis Kucinich

Fox News has hired former Congressman and outspoken progressive Dennis Kucinich as its newest on-air contributor.

Kucinich may appear across various programs on both Fox Business Network and Fox News. His first appearance will be on “The O’Reilly Factor” on January 17.

“I’ve always been impressed with Rep. Kucinich’s fearlessness and thoughtfulness about important issues,” said Fox News chairman and CEO Roger Ailes in a statement. “His willingness to take a stand from his point of view makes him a valuable voice in our country’s debate.”

Kucinich praised Fox News for having given him a forum now and in the past, adding, “I look forward to a continuation of our relationship this time as a Fox News contributor.”

As an Ohio Congressman and repeat presidential aspirant, Kucinich proposed a “Department of Peace,” which would add a new position to the President’s cabinet.

With the addition of Kucinich to its line-up of contributors, Fox News may now have the UFO-believers demographic sewn up, too. In 2007 Kucinich claimed that he witnessed an unidentified flying object in the 1980s.


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