Matthews: Bill Maher Shouldn't Be 'Condemning a Religion'

Matthews: Bill Maher Shouldn't Be 'Condemning a Religion'

On Monday, MSNBC’s “Hardball” host Chris Matthews objected to Bill Maher’s recent comments on radical Islam, saying that Maher was “condemning a religion.”

Huffington Post Media Group Editorial Director Howard Fineman declared “I think what Sam Harris said was outrageous. You don’t call a religion of 1.6 billion people, the mother lode of bad ideas. You just don’t. I don’t claim to have read the entire Koran. I’ve read a fair amount of it. I have lots of Muslim friends and I know something of the religion.”

Matthews added, “you say stuff like this, you are basically condemning a religion, and that’s a loser, because all it will do is just rile up people against you and it won’t change a single person’s religious commitment.”

Matthews and Washington Post columnist Eugene Robinson further attacked Maher and Harris’ claims by stating that there is violence in the Old Testament.

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