Friday on Laura Ingraham’s nationally syndicated radio show, conservative commentator Pat Buchanan offered his praise for President Donald Trump’s speech in Warsaw, Poland a day earlier.
According to Buchanan, the speech emphasized American uniqueness and Western civilization, which is in contradiction to German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s “transnationalism.”
Partial transcript as follows:
INGRAHAM: The criticism that Donald Trump is receiving from the media goes like this: ‘Trump is not standing up, they said yesterday, for American values. In fact, what he’s doing is he’s giving comfort to the Polish president who has been cracking down on media outlets in his own country because he’s taking on CNN, he’s taking on NBC, and he’s not standing up for American values.’
I thought that speech was all about American values. I thought that was about freedom, about liberty, about life, pro-life. It was about patriotism and sovereignty and nation-states. I mean, I don’t know how much more pro-American it could get.
BUCHANAN: Well, folks talk about the battle here that Trump touched on and he came down on the side of basically American being a unique, great different country and we want to preserve what it is and what it believes against if you will the Merkel transnationalism in Germany and we’re all in this together transnational approach. And Trump’s talking about America and its unique character and it’s a religious character if you will.
(h/t RCP Video)
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