Flake: People Were ‘Shaking Their Heads’ at Trump’s ‘Take the Guns’ Remark — ‘He Misspoke’

Thursday on “CBS This Morning,” Sen. Jeff Flake (R-AZ) said President Donald Trump “misspoke” when he said on Wednesday to “take the guns first, go through due process second” at a White House meeting with a bipartisan group of lawmakers on gun laws.

Flake said, “Trump’s leadership here is really critical if it’s going to get through the House or Senate. We had a similar meeting on immigration that I was at. And we heard a lot of good things that Tuesday and by Thursday, a lot of it had been walked back. I hope this time and I do think there is a better chance this time that the president will lead. And really get out from this, and there are a couple of items that we can make progress on.”

He added, “Most remarkable was his statement on due process. Anything that we have introduced in the Congress respects due process. You have to do that. And people around the table were kind of shaking their heads. But you can chalk that up to just he misspoke and let’s move ahead.”

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