Heilemann: Trump Immigration Detention ‘Textbook Definition of a Concentration Camp’

Wednesday on MSNBC’s “Deadline,” guest host John Heilemann said the Trump administration’s new rule to hold migrant families without a 20-day limit was “the textbook definition of a concentration camp.”

Heilemann said, “I believe it was one of the congresswomen who are part of the squad, possibly AOC, who created controversy and certainly raised the hackles of people in the Trump administration when she said these are concentration camps. Right. People were then looking back at the actual definition of what a concentration camp is. There were some arguments about that. When you start talking about permanent detention facilities for minorities in any existing country, it’s like in the textbook definition of a concentration camp is.”

He added, “We know from people close to him. He hates the fact he’s labeled a racist. Which we all now accept, he is a racist. But he is not happy about the fact he is known as the racist president. Does he really want to be known as the concentration camp president?”

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