GOP Rep. Cheney: House Dems ‘Totally Held Hostage by the Agenda of the Most Radical Members’

Monday on Fox News Channel’s “Special Report,” Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY), the number-three ranking Republican in the House of Representatives by being the House GOP Conference chairwoman, was asked by host Bret Baier what might possible given Republicans are in the minority.

Cheney explained it was up to the GOP caucus to hold the line against Democratic efforts to advance socialism and was skeptical of House Democrats claiming a desire to work in a “bipartisan fashion.”

“Well, we are going to fight very hard every single day to make sure that people across this nation understand how important it is that we fight against socialism,” she said. “You know, when you look at the agenda that the Democrats have put forward while Nancy Pelosi’s been speaker, across the board you’ve seen — whether it’s Green New Deal, whether it’s Medicare for All, whether it’s all the efforts that they’ve made to fundamentally violate American constitutional rights, whether it’s their embrace of anti-Semitism — this is a very radical Congress.

“Any candidate in the Democratic Party that’s out there saying that they’re going to work across the aisle and work in a bipartisan fashion, I would urge their constituents not to believe that,” Cheney continued. “Instead, to look at what’s actually happening here in Washington, which is a Democratic Party in the House that is totally captured, totally held hostage by the agenda of the most radical members of the House.

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