Gingrich: ‘I Think Pelosi Has Become Despicable’

Thursday, during an interview with nationally syndicated radio host Hugh Hewitt, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich slammed current House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) for her willingness to politicize the coronavirus pandemic.

Gingrich called Pelosi’s attacks “despicable,” noting how it was counterproductive to solving the health crisis.

“I think [Mitch] McConnell both in getting all the judges through and in getting the enormous aid package through has been magnificent,” he said. “He’s extraordinary, one of the most important Senate leaders in American history. I think Pelosi has become despicable. I think that her comment the other day comparing President Trump to Nero fiddling while Rome burned was just utterly, totally irresponsible, dishonest, and counter to what Americans need. Americans need to come together to defeat the virus.”

“They don’t need to have petty politicians trying to tear the country apart, or for that matter, petty newsmen at these press conferences trying to tear the country apart,” Gingrich added. “We need to figure out how are we going to save American lives, beat the virus, and help the rest of the planet beat the virus, and Nancy Pelosi is an absolute negative figure dragging down the country.”

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