CNN’s Lemon: Twitter Should Make Label on Trump’s Tweets ‘Bigger,’ Remove Tweets about Scarborough

On Tuesday’s “CNN Tonight,” host Don Lemon stated that Twitter is “letting the president use their platform to drag us all right into the mud, letting him get away with it” by not removing his tweets about MSNBC host Joe Scarborough and reacted to Twitter labeling other Trump tweets as misleading by stating, “Make the label bigger, please.”

Lemon said, “Twitter wouldn’t remove those tweets [the tweets about Scarborough]. And they wouldn’t come on this show to talk about their decision to let this disgusting smear stand. People have been removed from Twitter for far less outrageous behavior. Come on, Jack Dorsey. Instead, for the first time, Twitter, tonight, is labeling other tweets from the president misleading. Make the label bigger, please. Twitter has become a cesspool, Jack Dorsey, and listen, I know that you’re doing great things and you’re trying to help out people with your barbershop initiative and you’re donating money here, that does not make up for this disgusting behavior that you’re allowing, especially from the leader of the free world. It does not. I wish someone would come up with another platform, honestly, so that everybody could just delete their accounts on Twitter and go to the other platform. Because this is outrageous, disgusting behavior. Stop — companies like Jack Dorsey and — stop hiding behind the First Amendment and — for profit, stop doing it. Do the right thing. Stop allowing families like this family to have to go through this. … Twitter did apologize to the Klausutis family, but said that they would not take down the president’s tweets about his wife’s death. Really? Come on. So, they’re letting the president use their platform to drag us all right into the mud, letting him get away with it.”

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