Brooks: GOP Should Focus Attention on People without College Degrees

On Friday’s “PBS NewsHour,” New York Times columnist David Brooks stated that Republicans “should really focus all their attention on, what can we do for people without college degrees of all groups?” And “can see the potential of a future party as a multiracial, working-class party.”

Brooks said the GOP “really is the party of the — of people without college degrees, much more so than ever before. We saw swings of moderates, swings of college-educated suburbanites to the Democratic Party. And I think the Republican Party can — if they’re going to be — feel good about this election, they can see the potential of a future party as a multiracial, working-class party. If they can win support across racial lines among those without college degrees, then that’s a very viable party, and they should really focus all their attention on, what can we do for people without college degrees of all groups?”

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