Dingell: Manchin, Jayapal ‘Should Stop Making Sweeping Statements Publicly’

Monday, Rep. Debbie Dingell (D-MI) asked her colleagues Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) and Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-WA) to “stop making sweeping statements publicly” about their support of the Democrats’ reconciliation bill.

Jayapal has said she would not vote for the reconciliation bill if it included the Hyde Amendment, while Manchin has made it known he would only vote for it if the Hyde Amendment was included.

“CNN Newsroom” host Jim Sciutto asked Dingell of the dissenting Democrats, “What is the compromise there?”

“You know, what I want to say to both of my colleagues? They should stop making sweeping statements publicly, and we all need to get in a room and talk to each other — not go through sound bites,” Dingell told Sciutto.

The host then asked Dingell if she thinks Democrats have hurt themselves heading into next year’s midterms with the recent division.

“I think when we deliver for the American people on a bill that’s going to give them so many things we need from fixing our roads and bridges to addressing the child care issues and expanding health care, making health care more affordable, prescription drugs, people are going to know what we delivered, and that’s what they’re going to focus on,” she advised.

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