Carville on Biden Polling: ‘Democrats Need to Quit Bedwetting — My Wife Has Already Changed Me to Rubber Sheets’

Thursday on CNN, longtime Democrat strategist James Carville sounded off on President Joe Biden’s struggling poll numbers as the 2024 presidential election cycle approaches.

Carville said there had been times when candidates struggled at this point before a presidential election year but would go on to win in the general election.

“Look, these polls seem to get at the elephant in the room when it comes to President Biden,” CNN anchor Abby Phillip. “For voters, it’s his age that they’re concerned about, his mental acuity, his health. What does that tell us?

“Well, I guess to say the least, the polls are not great,” Carville replied. “And it tells us that voters are expressing some apprehension here. It’s pretty clear. I mean, there’s not much else you can say when you look at them. I mean, I guess the best thing you could say is that, if anything, they’re worse for Trump. But there is an apprehension out there. That’s undeniable.”

“But on the other hand, I point out we haven’t lost in elections since the Dobbs decision,” he replied. “So, we were supposed to lose in November and the off of the year. We didn’t really. We’re kind of tied. So, I don’t know. But the polling that I’ve seen or anybody else has seen is not very good. There was a memo, my friend Jim Messina said, I said, Democrats need to quit bedwetting, my wife has already changed me to rubber sheets.”

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