Newsom: Trump ‘Tried to Wreck the Country — He’s Lighting Democracy on Fire’

Governor Gavin Newsom (D-CA) said Sunday on ABC’s “This Week” that former President Donald Trump “tried to wreck the country” and was now “lighting democracy on fire.”

Co-host Jon Karl said, “Michelle Obama, as I’m sure you saw, said that people should be terrified about what could possibly happen with the outcome of this election. Is she right to be terrified?”

Newsom said, “Yeah, absolutely. I mean, we all should be. I mean, what more evidence do you need? I mean, here’s a guy who lost the election, Trump, and tried to wreck the country. He’s lighting democracy on fire. He’s making democracy a partisan issue. I never imagined that in my lifetime.”

He continued, “So the consequences are profound and pronounced. And that’s why I’m down here because this race has started, and we need to lift up the issues, the successes, the extraordinary successes of the last three years, the Biden-Harris administration, and then we drive contrast.

Newsom added, “It’s not even a complicated campaign. We have the receipts. We have the best three-year record of any modern American presidency, period, full stop. And you look at the issue, issue by issue, they poll overwhelmingly, the American people support what Biden has done.”o

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