Stand Up Notes from Flyover Country: Sarah Palin for Czar-Czar

According to the Obama administration has thus far appointed twenty-eight czars! You may have missed some of these but we now have a Great Lakes Czar, so those lakes stay in line and don’t opt for moving to Canada. Come to think of it, some of the Great Lakes already belong to Canada. I wonder if Canada has their own Great Lakes Czar? If they do and there is a conflict would it be Czar Wars?

We now have a Sudan Czar. I thought they had their own Czar, but hey, if it helps improve our image in the Arab world I am all for loaning them a Czar or two. We have a Health Czar despite the fact we have a Surgeon General and to be honest I’m not sure who’s in charge of health. You might think a Czar would outrank a general but a number of third-world countries with tons of Generals are run by colonels.

I addition to having a Czar just for Sudan we have an Afghanistan Czar. Isn’t the President afraid that some countries will feel miffed that he didn’t appoint a Czar just for them? I thought we had a whole State Department with Czars called “ambassadors.” We now have a Mideast Peace Czar and a Mideast Policy Czar. At least the Obama administration has a clear understanding that these two things aren’t related.

We have Herb Allison who is the TARP Czar and Earl Devaney the Stimulus Accountability Czar. Apparently Mr. Allison is not a very accountable guy and needs his own Czar to keep him in the straight and narrow. Do they both answer to the Economic Czar?

We have a Weapons Czar and a Weapons of Mass Destruction Czar; I hope that doesn’t lead to weapons envy.

We have a Border Czar, a Terrorism Czar and an Intelligence Czar. What if a terrorist is crossing the border? Who do we call? Come to think of it, why do we even need a terrorist Czar since Janet Napolitano has told us there are no acts of terrorism only “man-created disasters?”

What this country really needs is a Czar Czar — one uber-Czar to keep all the minor Czars from getting out of line. A person who is feared for their hard line principles. A person with a proven record of successfully eliminating government waste and creating economic success. At the same time the Czar Czar should be someone who can understand and relate to the common man and woman.

Yes, I think Sarah Palin would be an excellent Czar Czar. Hopefully, she will be considered for the job in 2012.


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