Kirk Cameron to Stephen Hawking: You're Not So Smart

Obviously Steven Hawking is a very bright guy, but his elitist hostility towards those who have an explanation for something neither he nor anyone has ever been able to explain, is rather bizarre.

Fox 411:

Last week, award-winning scientist and best-selling author declared that the belief in heaven or an afterlife is a “fairy story” for people afraid of life after death. …

That complete rejection of the existence of God infuriated Evangelical Christian Kirk Cameron, who shot back at the world-famous scientist with his own retort–prove it!

“Professor Hawking is heralded as ‘the genius of Britain,’ yet he believes in the scientific impossibility that nothing created everything and that life sprang from non-life.” The former teen heartthrob steamed to TMZ. “Why should anyone believe Mr. Hawking’s writings if he cannot provide evidence for his unscientific belief that out of nothing, everything came?”

Cameron’s exactly right. Hawking’s making a scientific statement based on zero evidence. Where’s the scientific recreation of Hawking’s belief? Where’s the creation of life out of matter that isn’t already alive? Where’s the creation of something out of nothing? The Big Bang doesn’t explain what created the Big Bang and no one can truly wrap their mind around the infinity of space. As far as I’m concerned, it requires the summoning of more faith NOT to believe in God than the other way around. Honestly, I don’t know how atheists do it.

Besides, it’s just a fact that Jesus-freaks like Cameron and I not only have an explanation to many unanswered questions, but also no small amount of historical and archaeological evidence with which to back it up.

Hawking’s got nada.

Anyway, there had better be a Heaven. I’d hate to think I’ve behaved myself all this time for no reason.


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