Eva Longoria Slams Marco Rubio

Eva Longoria Slams Marco Rubio

Like they always do to non-white, non-male Republican stars, the media and the Left have set out to destroy Florida Senator Marco Rubio who, as a Hispanic residing in a crucial swing state, represents an apostate and an existential threat to Barack Obama.

Long-time Obama sycophant Eva Longoria joined the pile on today by singling the Senator out:

Longoria lists several political issues, which are going in a direction that troubles her and help to drive her politically such as the possibility that the Supreme Court will uphold Arizona’s 2010 Immigration law, SB70; the Department of Labor’s lack of support for the CARE Act, which would ban child labor on corporate farms; and possible vice presidential contender, Senator Marco Rubio from Florida, has caught her critical eye.

“Marco Rubio has been coming up with some silly stuff that we really have to sort through,” she says. “So, I’m a political news junkie and all of that is discouraging. That’s why it’s doubly important to me to make sure that the person who best represents America and reflects my values is elected. That’s Obama.”

If you’re an employed one-percenter like Longoria, of course Obama represents your values.

If Rubio starts to look like a serious possibility as Romney’s vice presidential pick, things are going to get racially ugly real quick. Rather than celebrate a “historic” pick, Longoria and her leftist ilk will do everything in their power to demonize the Senator as a sell-out who’s not really Hispanic.

All Longoria is doing here now is laying the track just in case.

These are wicked people and it’s only May.


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