Jon Stewart Tells Jake Tapper to Check His Trump Derangement: ‘It’s a Mistake to Focus It All on This One Individual’

Kevin Mazur; Jamie McCarthy/Getty Images
Kevin Mazur; Jamie McCarthy/Getty Images

Jon Stewart told CNN’s Jake Tapper to check his Trump Derangement Syndrome, saying it is a “mistake” to continue hyperventilating over former President Donald Trump and blaming him for all of the country’s problems.

In an appearance Saturday on CNN’s State of the Union, Jon Stewart warned Tapper against portraying Trump as an omnipotent bad guy, after the host described Trump as a threat to democracy.

“I think we make a mistake focusing this all on Donald Trump as though he’s, I don’t know, Magneto and some incredible supervillain that has changed the very nature and temperature of the United States,” he said. “He’s just been an effective vessel.”

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Jon Stewart added: “[Trump’s] not singing new songs. He’s maybe singing them a little better than [Barry] Goldwater, but I think it’s a mistake to focus it all on this one individual, and not to focus it more on the idea that power is its own reward whether it be in the financial industry or government.”

Stewart also warned that authoritarianism exists on both sides of the political divide.

“I don’t know that autocracy is purely the domain of Donald Trump. I think that we all have a bit of a tendency to grant amnesty to people that are doing things that we would prefer, even if that means that they’re slightly undemocratic.”

Stewart was on CNN to promote his new show The Problem with Jon Stewart, which recent debuted on Apple TV+.

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