Federal Study: ‘Gender-Affirming’ Surgery Explodes Suicide Rates

A demonstrator marches with their gender change scars during the 'Yo Marcho Trans&#03
Sebastian Barros/NurPhoto via Getty Images

People who undergo “gender-affirming” surgery experience a 12.12 percent rise in the risk of suicide attempts, according to a federal study of 1,501 cases over 20 years.

Three and a half percent of 1,501 people — or seven victims for every 200 people — who have undergone “gender-affirming” surgery are at risk of committing suicide compared to 0.30 percent of every 15,608,363 people — or one in every 330 people — who have not undergone “gender-affirming” surgery.

The large study also noted that people who undergo “gender-affirming” surgery are 3.35 percent more likely to die, 9.88 percent more likely to experience suicide/self-harm, and 7.76 percent more likely to experience post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) than those with no history of “gender-affirming” surgery.

“The results of this study show that gender-affirmation surgery is associated with a significantly higher risk of suicide, death, suicide/self-harm, and PTSD,” said the study, titled “Risk of Suicide and Self-Harm Following Gender-Affirmation Surgery.”

Yet the study also pushes the claim that these surgeries can still be beneficial:

Although our study has revealed a statistically significant increase in suicide risk among those who have undergone gender-affirming surgery, it remains vital to recognize and support the positive impacts that these surgical interventions can have on the lives of transgender individuals.

The study further urges more spending on psychological services for the men and women who have gone through the surgery, which is daintily described as “gender-affirming” by transgender advocates, such as Rachel Levine, who is the father of two children and President Joe Biden’s deputy health chief.

“We must work to prevent these unfortunate outcomes,” the study says. “This further reinforces the need for comprehensive psychiatric care in the years that follow gender-affirmation surgery.”

The study admits that the transgender population is very small: “The prevalence of transgender individuals in the United States is approximately 0.3% to 0.6% of the adult population based on self-reporting studies.”

Furthermore, very few people who claim to be transgender actually put their genitalia under the knife. “Individuals with transgender diagnostic codes, hormone therapy, or gender-affirming surgery report a much lower rate of approximately 0.008% of the population,” the report said. That percentage — 0.008 percent — is less than one in 10,000 people.

The study corroborates prior research. For example, TheCenterSquare.com reported in March that suicide rates double among men who lose their genitals:

The study, published in the Journal of Urology, studied 859 Californians who underwent a vaginoplasty (male-to-female gender surgery), and 357 who underwent phalloplasty (female-to-male surgery) for two years before and after their surgeries. Of those who underwent gender affirmation surgery, a similar proportion of vaginoplasty and phalloplasty recipients experienced at least one psychiatric encounter, coming in at 22.2% and 20.7% respectively. However, suicide rates were markedly higher among vaginoplasty than phalloplasty patients after their surgeries; vaginoplasty suicide rates more than doubled from 1.5% to 3.3%, whereas phalloplasty suicide rates remained stable at 0.8% before and after surgery.

Nonetheless, many Democrats insist that 100 percent of Americans must change their long-evolved legal and civic rules governing the two equal, complementary, and competing sexes. Under the Democrats’ transgender rules, each person’s unverifiable sense of inner “gender” is deemed more legally and socially important than his or her unchangeable male or female body.

In the United Kingdom, however, the Cass report has completely changed the government policy towards transgenderism by revealing the danger of “transgender” treatments on children and adults.

“Hilary Cass is the kind of hero the world needs today,” wrote David Brooks, an op-ed columnist at the New York Times:

She writes in her report, “The option to provide masculinizing/feminizing hormones from age 16 is available, but the review would recommend extreme caution.” She does not issue a blanket, one-size-fits-all recommendation, but her core conclusion is this: “For most young people, a medical pathway will not be the best way to manage their gender-related distress.”

However, the American transgender industry is ignoring the U.K. report, and Biden’s deputies are accelerating their enforcement of the very unpopular transgender ideology.

In May, for example, Biden’s deputies released a rewrite of the Title IX law that threatens schools with federal penalties if they do not force K-12 children to accept the transgender claim that a boy becomes a girl when he says he is transgender. This push is being extended by many progressive teachers who see themselves as loyal Democrats.

Also, Democrat-appointed judges are knocking down state laws that try to curb high-risk surgeries by declaring novel “transgender rights.”


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