5-Jul-11 World View — Hugo Chavez Makes Triumphant Return To Venezuela

This morning’s key headlines from GenerationalDynamics.com.

Hugo Chavez makes triumphant return to Venezuela

Chavez hugs his daughters on the balcony of Maraflores Pales in Caracas, July 4, 2011 (Reuters)
Chavez hugs his daughters on the balcony of Maraflores Pales in Caracas, July 4, 2011 (Reuters)

Well, apparently he fooled everyone. When Hugo Chávez gave his televised speech from Cuba on Thursday evening, looking sick as a pig and saying that he had cancer, it was apparently all theatre. On Monday morning he returned to Venezuela, a little thinner, but looking relatively OK. He indicated that he has a long battle ahead to fully recover. His Interior Minister added, “But that doesn’t mean that the revolutionary government’s actions will slacken.” Reuters

Turkey seizes Libyan Bank assets

Turkey seized control of Libyan bank assets Monday, one day after recognizing Libya’s opposition in Benghazi as the country’s legitimate government, in moves that effectively severed remaining ties to Col. Muammar Gaddafi. Wall Street Journal (Access)

Syria’s army begins assault on city of Hama

As expected, Syria’s tanks, troops and bulldozers on Monday swept into the city of Hama, beginning an assault on the city is known for having massacred civilians in 1982. At least three people were killed on Monday, including a 12-year-old boy, and dozens injured. LA Times

Hundreds of people gathered in downtown Chicago to support the anti-government movement in Syria and urge protesters there to continue their uprising against President Bashar Assad. Chicago Tribune

China postpones sea trial of new aircraft carrier

Varyag aircraft carrier
Varyag aircraft carrier

China has postponed the sea trial of the Varyag aircraft carrier, originally purchased from Ukraine, and under refurbishment at the Port of Dalian. The official reason for the delay is mechanical problems, but it’s also possible that tensions in the South China Sea played a part. Defence Web (S. Africa)

Conventional wisdom on China’s carrier plan suggests that the Chinese leadership did not put enough planning in personnel development, and therefore will face a lot of difficulties in operating a carrier group. A review of the training programs developed to cultivate the commanders for its aircraft carriers suggest an ambitious, meticulous and long-term strategy, however. Jamestown


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