Goethe Voted 'Greatest German'

It’s curious to me that no musical genius or industrialist was even near the top of the list. Politicians and philosophers dominate the choices. Of those listed here, how can you not pick Einstein first? From thelocal.de:

Goethe the best?

“Poet, playwright and scientist Johann Wolfgang von Goethe has been voted the greatest German of all time in a new poll, beating runners-up chancellor Konrad Adenauer and physicist Albert Einstein.

The author of “The Sorrows of Young Werther” and “Faust”, who died in 1832, received the most votes in a poll of 2,000 people for the daily Bild newspaper, said the Forsa institute which conducted the survey.

The only living people to receive votes were the country’s longest-serving leader Helmut Kohl (from 1982 to 1998), in fifth place, and ex-Social Democratic Party leader Helmut Schmidt (from 1974 to 1982) in seventh.

Adenauer was West Germany’s first chancellor after World War II, 1949-63.”


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