Kristen Stewart’s film ‘Personal Shopper’ booed at Cannes

Kristen Stewart's film 'Personal Shopper' booed at Cannes

CANNES, France, May 17 (UPI) — Kristen Stewart’s film Personal Shopper was met with mixed reviews in Cannes.

The movie, which stars the 26-year-old actress as an assistant and psychic medium, received a chorus of boos at its press screening Monday at the 2016 Cannes Film Festival. It will premiere Tuesday evening.

Stewart and director Olivier Assayas discussed the movie and reaction to the film at a press conference Tuesday morning. One reporter suggested the negative response was due to the drama’s ambiguous ending.

“It happens every once and a while where people just don’t get the ending,” Assayas said. “To me, [the ending is] kind of pretty clear … When you come to Cannes, you’re prepared for anything, really. You just go with the flow.”

Personal Shopper follows Stewart’s character, Maureen, as she assists a famous model and grieves for her dead twin. The actress admitted she enjoyed playing someone who is unencumbered by the trappings of fame.

“It was fun to play somebody who was so capable,” the Twilight star told reporters. “Sometimes I do feel a little bit like I have my limbs cut off. That’s not to say that [fame] is a bad feeling, but it is surreal.”

Stewart and Assayas previously collaborated on the 2014 movie Clouds of Sils Maria. The actress also stars in Woody Allen’s new film, Café Society, which opened the film festival on May 11.


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