The Latest: UN experts denounce Trump’s ban on travel to US

The Associated Press
The Associated Press

CAIRO (AP) — The Latest on the global reaction to President Donald Trump’s temporary suspension of immigration from seven Muslim-majority countries (all times local):

2: 05 p.m.

Five U.N. human rights experts say President Donald Trump’s move to bar entry to the United States to citizens from seven Muslim-majority countries violates U.S. obligations on human rights.

The five, who are commissioned by the United Nations, said in a statement issued in Geneva on Wednesday that Trump’s executive order signed last week is “clearly discriminatory” and leads to greater stigmatization of Muslims.

The order bars nationals from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen from U.S. entry for 90 days.

The five U.N. special rapporteurs are François Crépeau on migrants; Mutuma Ruteere on racism; Ben Emmerson on human rights and counter-terrorism; Nils Melzer on torture and Ahmed Shaheed on freedom of religion.

They cited U.S. obligations to protect the principles of “non-refoulement” — or not chasing away people who have a right to protection — and nondiscrimination based on race, nationality or religion.

They said the United States’ responsibility “must extend to offering refuge” to people fleeing Iraq and Syria, citing U.S. participation in conflicts in those countries.


12:45 p.m.

The United Arab Emirates’ top diplomat has come out in defense of President Donald Trump’s order temporarily barring citizens from seven Muslim-majority countries from entering.

Foreign Minister Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan said Wednesday that the United States was within its rights to take what he said was a “sovereign decision” concerning immigration.

He says he does not believe the move was based on religion, and noted that the majority of the world’s Muslim-majority countries were not covered by the order.

Sheikh Abdullah spoke following talks with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov in Abu Dhabi.

The Emirates is one of the United States’ closest Arab allies. It is part of the U.S.-led coalition fighting the Islamic State group and hosts American troops and warplanes taking part.


11:45 a.m.

Iran’s state TV is reporting that President Hassan Rouhani has lashed out at the recent executive order by U.S. president Donald Trump to suspend immigration and visa processes for nationals from seven majority-Muslim countries, including Iran.

Rouhani described Trump and his administration as newcomers who don’t understand politics, saying, “A man had been living in another world and now has entered the world of politics.”

Rouhani also said that Trump would end up harming not only his own nation but other countries as well.

Rouhani called the American administration dishonest for claiming to be on the side of the Iranian people, but then banning them.


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