Shailene Woodley allegedly dating musician Nahko Bear

HAMAKUA COAST, Hawaii, Nov. 11 (UPI) —

Shailene Woodley has been linked to musician Nahko Bear after the two were spotted sharing a personal moment on the Hamakua Coast in Hawaii last week.

The Divergent star and Bear were photographed Wednesday as they watched the sunset together from a ledge. One photo of the moment finds the alleged couple with their legs intertwined and Nahko can be seen reaching toward the actress as she looks on.

Shailene Woodley with Nahko on the Hamakua coast in Hawaii todayâ € ” Shailene Woodley (@TheShailers) November 7, 2014

Bear is the frontman for the band Nahko and Medicine for the People, a group that promotes personal empowerment through music and encourages fans to create positive change and to documents their journey with the hashtag #goodthingscoming, according Yahoo.

Nahko and Medicine for the People are set to kick off their Australian tour in a few days and Woodley reportedly plans to travel Down Under to meet her new love.

While the actress has never spoken in detail about her love live, she told InStyle magazine in June she could never date another actor.

"I have zero expectations and zero rules. I’m open. I can’t see it being another actor", she said, that they understand this lifestyle. Hey I could fall in love with an Aussie and move to Australia. Who knows!”


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