Haiti's Earthquake Exposes More Than Poor Building Codes

While the earthquake death toll in Haiti will likely be very high, in part because of lax building codes and underfunded infrastructure, the disaster has had the peculiar effect of drawing out the immoral moralist preachers (and their apologists) on both sides of America’s spectrum:


Pat Robertson makes an ass out of himself.

Danny Glover channels Pat Robertson.

Their cheap opportunism raises a few questions:

What percentage of Conservatives do you think agree with Pat Robertson?

What percentage of Progressives do you think agree with Danny Glover?

What percentage of this country do you think rejects BOTH the moralists of the right, in this case Pat Robertson, and the moralists of the left, in this case Danny Glover?


Whether it is the moral preaching of Pat’s particular religious sect, or the moral preaching of Glover’s progressive environmental religion, there are a lot people out there who reject both groups.

It would be interesting to know what percentage of the Tea Parties falls into that category.

As for apologists on the right, some argue Pat was simply expressing his personal belief, which was combined with generous fund raising for the victims. Therefore, on balance, what Robertson said wasn’t all that bad.

It’s great that Pat was raising money for the victims of Haiti while implying that they deserved their fate, but that doesn’t negate the fact that it’s disgusting and immoral to blame the victim of a natural disaster, based on their religious preference.

As for apologists on the left, they are simply claiming Glover never said that the earthquake was caused by global warming. Unfortunately for these deniers, that is exactly what Glover said, almost word for word. It is equally disgusting and immoral to push a lie to score political points on the backs of victims who are already shouldering the weight of tons of rubble.

In a better world, these opportunists and their apologists would all be placed on a single boat and set to sea, forbidden to ever dock in any port.

In a perfect world, we wouldn’t have earthquakes.

Too bad we don’t live in either of these worlds, so we’ll just have to settle for outing these people whenever they raise their ugly heads.


If you would like to make a donation to help the survivors in Haiti, click here or here or here.


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