They Are Popping The Corks At The DNC! The Economy Is Growing!!

Hooray everyone! The Economy is growing!!

The video below was recently released by the Democrat Party, and it touts the Obama-Democrat “recovery” now under way.

Oddly, despite the numerous government CRA/Fannie/Freddie/Sally Mae/HUD scandals, and despite the fact that Democrats have controlled Congress since 2006, it blames ALL of America’s economic problems on reckless bankers, and Bush/Republicans.

Coincidentally, despite the fact that the Democrat controlled government just raised the debt ceiling so they could borrow more money against future generations in order to fund today’s entitlement/pubic sector payroll, the video assigns Democrats with ALL the credit for what they are calling a “recovery”.

[youtube jWmUnU7HS-I nolink]

The US Government is borrowing TRILLIONS of dollars from foreign countries in order to swell the government sponsored payroll, thereby making it appear on paper as thought there is a “recovery” underway, and the Democrats are crowing as though they have achieved something meaningful?

Don’t get us wrong. We would love to be able to live in the progressive utopia of Obamaland, and bask in the glory of the American economic recovery, if only it could be. We would all stand to gain from an economic recovery. But as fiscal conservatives have been pointing out for years and years and years now, the tab for this monstrosity of a government will come due, and when it does, it will leave us all in ruin.

Worse still, the government is apparently intent on taking ZERO responsibility for their role in our disastrous predicament (as evidenced in the video above). While that is the case, there is no hope of the system being reformed based on anything resembling reality and/or honesty.

No honest reform = No honest recovery.

But hey, as long as the Progressive DNC is happy, why shouldn’t everyone else be?

*As a preemptive comment to the Media Matters for ( a Socialist) America crowd in the audience, who childishly parrot their ironic talking point, “Where were you when Bush was spending us into massive deficits?” we can only suggest that you assume you are addressing people who hate our nation’s shameful debt in a truly non-partisan way. It matters not what labels are worn by the elected officials who have done this to our treasury.

Further, when Progressives say, “Where were you when Bush was spending us into massive debt?” they are not arguing against racking up massive deficits on top of massive deficits. They are defending the practice while unwittingly refuting their own “change” marketing point. This hardly seems like a strategy befitting intelligent people.


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