Unhappy Anniversary For Chicago's Tea Party

Today is the one year anniversary of the Tea Party Movement in Chicago. In some cities the one year mark is a cause for celebration, but in Chicago it’s just depressing, because there is no Tea Party movement to speak of here at Obamamania ground zero.

The internet is a pretty big place, so it’s possible that we have simply been unable to locate any info pertaining to the Chicago Tea Party, but so far, it looks as thought the movement in the Windy City is a defunct corpse.

Whoever organized the original set of Chicago Tea Parties has clearly abandoned the movement for other pursuits.

Is this the future of the Tea Party movement nationwide, or is this a failure specific to the Chicago organizer(s)?

For a flashback to the first Chicago Tea Party from one year ago today, please see the video below:

[youtube hLklO9_lGK0 nolink]


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