Media Fraud – Just A Cup Of Coffee My Ass

This latest example of mainstream media fraud comes from St. Louis, and features coverage of the so called “Coffee Party”.

The following clip is only 2 minutes long, so watch all of it, and then look at the images below to understand why this video is nothing short of media prostitution for their progressive cause.

[youtube -zV0HhqHD5c nolink]

This report attempts to paint a picture of a moderate, open minded movement in the process of conducting early, friendly gatherings.

:25 – Brewing yes, but steamed? Well, not if they can help it.

:45 – Leaders of this group say civility is their first priority

:55 – We’re not looking to balance extremes. When we sit down for a cup of coffee, we’re not at each other’s throats.

1:37 – Organizers say they are just volunteers, and invite those with different opinions to join their effort to swallow their pride in the interest of progress.

1:44 – [Organizer] I don’t particularly think it is useful to sit at a table with only people who see things the way I do.

But context is everything, and this report ignores some glaring facts which betray the lies being pushed in this story.

The reporter doesn’t bother to identify it, but the meeting took place in a coffee shop called Mokabe’s. More than one of your Founding Bloggers has been in this establishment more than once. And while the coffee is very good, and they still believe in the freedom of adults to smoke indoors, it is by far one of the most politicized eating establishments we have ever seen.

:44 seconds into the clip, you will see the iconic Barack Obama image hanging on the wall in the background. That’s tame for this establishment.

Below are a couple of snapshots of some of the other political paraphernalia on display, which provide the proper context for the claims of open mindedness being made by the organizers of this event, and parroted by their mainstream lackeys.

mochaBes interior2CU

mochaBes interior1

Boy, nothing says political inclusiveness like a Cheney/Satan bumper sticker (pictured above).

Either all of this crap was taken down before the meeting, or the “reporter” who covered this PR firm packaged media opportunity has a bit of a political blind spot.

They might as well have conducted this meeting in an SEIU meeting hall, or DNC headquarters.


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