What You Need To Know About The Recent Bertha Lewis ACORN Rant

There is something very important to consider about the recent Bertha Lewis rant posted earlier on Big Government, in which she referred to the Tea Party movement as a “Bowel movement”. Something that has thus far been largely overlooked.

[youtube yH4PYYev1u0 nolink]

While it is important to consider the implications of Bertha using this kind of language to describe average Americans, the actual story is not just what she said, it’s who she said it to.

Bertha was addressing the Young Democratic Socialists. This is not just some fringe, esoteric, Socialist youth group.

The Young Democratic Socialists is the on-campus section of the Democratic Socialists of America.

The Democratic Socialists of America founded the incredibly powerful Congressional Progressive Caucus with self described Socialist-Democrat, Bernie Sanders.

The Democratic Socialists of America, along with ACORN/SEIU and Citizen Action (now USAction) co-founded the New Party, and the Working Families Party, both of which Barack Obama pledged his loyalty to. Citizen Action was the organization Bob Creamer (Jan Schakowsky’s husband) was found guilty of embezzling from. Together, they all launched HCAN, the movement that spearheaded Obamacare.

The Democratic Socialists of America and Citizen Action were both founded by former members of the SDS/Weather Underground.

The Young Democratic Socialists represents the modern youth arm of America’s Congressional Progressive Caucus.

Frantic and breathless about a non-existent ‘neo-McCarthism era,’ Bertha was warning them specifically because they are the next generation of the current Socialist-Progressive government.

Educate yourselves regarding the Democratic Socialists of America, and Citizen Action (USAction), and the Congressional Progressive Caucus, and their respective youth sections.

These are the people who launched Barack Obama. These are the people who have changed America. Understanding them and their published missions will help you understand the Socialist vision they have for charted for America.

Barack Obama is not who the Conservative movement needs to defeat in an ideological battle for hearts and minds. These people are.


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