Geraldo Says No Amnesty Because of Xenophobes Who Criticize Coca Cola Super Bowl Ad

Geraldo Says No Amnesty Because of Xenophobes Who Criticize Coca Cola Super Bowl Ad

Some conservatives suspected immigration reform was a subtext of the Coca Cola Super Bowl ad that featured children singing “America the Beautiful” in foreign languages. But now liberal Fox News host Geraldo Rivera is connecting the two ideas. 

Geraldo told host Sean Hannity the reason immigration reform legislation proposed by Democrats in Congress has not become law is because of political opposition from the same people who found the ad offensive.

“This hostile reaction to this [Coca Cola Super Bowl] ad,” he told Hannity, “shows how deep seated the xenophobia is … the fear of the other… that’s why we don’t have immigration reform in this country.”

Rivera made his comments in a brief but expansive performance during which he also broke into song.

“I’d like to think the world to be in perfect harmony,” he warbled, adding “we’re all in this together.”

Image source: Fox News


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