Matt Rosendale Runs for Congress to ‘Put Montana and America First’

Montana state auditor Matt Rosendale announced Monday he will run for Montana’s open House seat to help enact President Donald Trump’s America First policies.

Rosendale said in a statement, “My commitment to give back to Montana has never been stronger. I’m running for the U.S. House to serve and work for the people of Montana. I pledge to always listen, represent our values, and protect our Montana way of life.”

The Montana conservative ran for U.S. Senate during the 2018 midterms and narrowly lost to Sen. Jon Tester (D-MT). The U.S. Senate race featured a strong showing for Libertarian candidate Rick Breckenridge despite the libertarian’s endorsement for Rosendale.

During his U.S. Senate race, Rosendale earned the endorsements from the Senate’s strongest conservatives, such as Sens. Rand Paul (R-KY), Mike Lee (R-UT), and Ted Cruz (R-TX).

Rosendale’s campaign released their first campaign ad on Monday, entitled, “Working for Montana,” which captured the Montana Republican’s work to give Montanans lower healthcare costs, cut spending, while never taking a pay raise while in office.

During an interview in January 2018, Rosendale championed Trump’s America First immigration policies, charging that America needs to end chain migration, build a wall, and address the “anchor baby” problem in America.

“The president has been very clear since before he was sworn into office that we have to do something about our national security, and parts of that are, number one, we need to construct a wall,” Rosendale said.

“I think that [number two] chain migration, I agree with the president, must be stopped,” the Montana Republican added.

The Montana state auditor said the “anchor babies” issue is also a problem. “We have to take a good analysis of that as well,” Rosendale said.

Rosendale continued:

With all the gridlock and fighting back in the swamp, it’s clear Washington D.C. could learn a thing or two from Montana. I’ve rolled up my sleeves to get to work to deliver affordable and better health care to Montanans, took on the pharmaceutical industry to lower drugs costs, protected and expanded access to our public lands, and brought fiscal discipline to my office – and I’ll do the same as your next Congressman.

“I’ll work with President Trump to always Put Montana and America First and will never stop working to make our country and Montana a better place,” Rosendale said.

Rep. Gianforte announced recently he will run for governor.

Sean Moran is a congressional reporter for Breitbart News. Follow him on Twitter @SeanMoran3


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