Ted Cruz Mocks Stephen Colbert, Advises Young Conservatives to Use Their ‘Megaphone’

Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, speaks at Legislative Summit, co-hosted by The Latino Coalition an
AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) spoke to students at Turning Point USA’s Teen Student Action Summit on Wednesday, where he commended the young conservatives in attendance and slammed the notion of socialism.

“If you’re a Hollywood liberal, if you’re a mainstream journalist, if you’re a college professor, if you are Stephen Colbert, if you are terrified by thousands of energized young people who believe in freedom, then my trigger warning to you now is turn off the television,” Cruz stated as he took the stage.

“This is a dangerous gathering,” Cruz said as he pointed towards the crowd. “It’s dangerous because ideas are dangerous. Because ideas have power.”

Cruz then began discussing socialism and asserted the media tells people they are “supposed to be mindless socialists.”

“When it comes to young people, the media tells you, young people, you’re all supposed to be mindless socialists, unwilling or unable to have an opinion or speak for yourself,” Cruz stated.

“Who in their right mind, what young person, with even any spark of sanity would want your life governed by a bunch of bureaucrats in Washington,” Cruz asked the energetic crowd. “The message of freedom is really, really powerful.”

“The fundamental debate we’re having in this country is a debate between socialism and free enterprise,” Cruz said before he began spouting a list of freedoms that should be celebrated by Americans.

Cruz also warned the attendees of the dangers posed by the “angry” left.

“The hard left is so angry, they’re so filled with rage. We don’t want a lot of angry conservatives counteracting them,” Cruz told the students. “Be a joyful one. … They are scared of the truth.”

Cruz concluded his speech by telling the young conservatives in the room to use their “megaphone.”

“Every one of you, right now, has a megaphone,” Cruz said. “Every one of you, right now, can speak to your peers, every one of you, right now, can be a voice for liberty, and that at the end of the day is powerful.”

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