Poll: Majority of Utah Mormon Republicans Do Not Believe Trump Should Run for Reelection

A federal judge ruled that White House records that could implicate former President Donal

A majority of Mormon GOP voters in Utah do not believe former President Trump should run for reelection, although a majority of Utah Republicans, overall, believe he should, a Utah Public Opinion Pulse (UTPOP) survey released Wednesday found.

The survey, conducted by OH Predictive Insights (OHPI), found 54 percent of Utah voters saying they do not want to see Trump launch a presidential bid in 2024. Just over one-third, 35 percent, say otherwise.

A majority of Republicans, 53 percent, believe Trump should launch a presidential bid, but the poll found that “this belief is not shared widely outside of the GOP,” as 20 percent of independents share that view, alongside nine percent of Democrats. Notably, however, non-Mormon Republicans in the state are far more likely to support a second Trump bid.

According to the report (Emphasis added):

Voters who want to see a ‘Trump comeback’ in 2024 tend to be younger, particularly among Utah Republicans. Among all Utah voters, only 23% of 55+ year-olds think that Trump should run again, compared to 41% of 18–54-year-olds. Looking specifically at Utah GOP voters, 38% of 55+ year-old Republicans think Trump should run again, compared to 62% of 18-54-year-olds in the party. There is also a split in opinion among Utah Republicans by religious affiliation. According to the survey, 46% of Republicans who are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (LDS) think Trump should run in 2024 while two thirds (67%) of non-LDS Republicans want to see him run again. In fact, despite 67% of self-identified LDS voters in the survey reporting being registered Republicans and just 6% being registered Democrats, only 38% of Utah’s LDS voters in total want Trump to run again, while half (50%) do not.

Despite that, among Republicans in the state, Trump leads the 2024 Utah Republican primary by double digits, garnering 43 percent support. Utah Sen. Mitt Romney takes second place with 20 percent support, followed by former Vice President Mike Pence (9 percent) and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (7 percent). 

The survey, taken November 5-15, 2021, among 671 Utah registered voters, has a margin of error of +/- 3.8 percent.

Trump has yet to officially say if he will run for reelection, but Sam Nunberg, former aide to President Trump, recently told Breitbart News Saturday that Trump is “certainly, certainly” considering it.

“I believe that he will,” he added.


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