Charles Hurt: Securing the Border ‘Is Not Going to Get Accomplished Without’ Trump

US President Donald Trump signs the first veto of his presidency, overriding a congression

Reelecting President Donald Trump is necessary in order to restore American sovereignty and secure America’s borders, said Charles Hurt, Washington Times opinion editor and Breitbart News columnist. He offered his remarks in an interview on SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Daily with host Alex Marlow ahead of Tuesday’s launch of his new book Still Winning: Why America Went All In on Donald Trump- And Why We Must Do It Again.

“Obviously, there are huge things that he has not accomplished,” said Hurt of Trump’s presidential tenure, thus far. “He’s not fixed the border, and when you look at the powers that are arrayed against him — obviously, the entire Democratic Party, people in his own Republican Party that are trying to thwart his efforts, there’s the entire judicial branch trying to thwart his efforts — does he accomplish it?”

Hurt continued, “I don’t know, but I know this — it’s not going to be accomplished without him. Do you think the next Republican that come along is going to take the stance he’s taken on the border? I don’t.”


Trump’s presidential campaign and tenure further disclosed ubiquitous left-wing and partisan Democrat biases among news media personalities operating under false pretenses of political objectivity and neutrality, noted Hurt.

“In 2016, [I was] watching the media shed all pretenses of trying to be balanced and trying to report the news,” recalled Hurt. “The whole reason I got in this game is because I love newspapers, and I love the new, and I love trying to ferret out the truth and exposing people who are frauds and liars. I’ve devoted my life to trying to do that the best I can.”

A corrupt news media is an existential threat to American continuity, determined Hurt.

“When you have the New York Times and Washington Post and places like that — not to even mention the television stations like CNN and MSNBC — completely shed any hint of trying to get to the truth, turning their entire machine [and] apparatus into propaganda outlets to go after somebody that they find detestable, [it] is the most disgusting thing I’ve ever seen,” remarked Hurt. “It’s very sad to me, and we can’t keep the republic is that’s our media.”

Breitbart News Daily broadcasts live on SiriusXM Patriot 125 weekdays from 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. Eastern.

Follow Robert Kraychik on Twitter @rkraychik.


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