Rev. Bill Owens: ‘I Stand with Tucker Carlson’
Rev. Bill Owens denounces the ideological bullying of the left, and said he will “stand with Tucker Carlson” against advertisers who have pulled ads from his Fox News Channel show.

Rev. Bill Owens denounces the ideological bullying of the left, and said he will “stand with Tucker Carlson” against advertisers who have pulled ads from his Fox News Channel show.
Rev. Bill Owens says racial tensions still exist because the civil rights movement has been “hijacked by manipulative politicians.”
President Donald Trump met with African-American pastors and leaders of the black community on Monday, amidst a leftist uproar over his criticism of activist Al Sharpton.
White House press secretary Sean Spicer confirmed that the death of slain Navy SEAL William ‘Ryan’ Owens would be investigated, responding to comments made by his father Bill Owens calling it a “stupid mission.”
Dustin Smith, a 21-year-old openly gay North Dakota man has outed one of his state’s lawmakers after seeing sexually explicit photos and messages from him on Grindr, a social network for gay and bisexual men.
The founder and president of the Coalition of African American Pastors (CAAP) says he was “shocked” at some of the ideas presented in Politico‘s recent magazine piece by Randall Balmer entitled “The Real Origins of the Religious Right.” Rev. William
In a shocking blow to the Democratic Party’s hope to regain control of the House of Representatives, upstate New York Congressman Bill Owens (D-NY) announced on Tuesday he will not seek re-election in 2014. The decision puts New York’s 21st
Consistent with a recent Pew Research survey that found a majority of voters voting for Romney are now affirmatively voting for him instead of merely against President Barack Obama, Republicans in Colorado have said they have not seen the level of
The rubber may be meeting the road in the relationship Barack Obama has with African-Americans who are believing Christians. The Coalition of African American Pastors, fed up with Obama’s anti-Biblical stance on gay marriage, is demanding a meeting with Obama
On Sunday the world was again reminded that the American military, when given a clear and specific mission, is the most potent force in history. The daring mission, conducted deep inside Pakistan was the culmination of a decade-long manhunt. While
A message was sent to both the Republican and Democrat parties yesterday at polling stations across America, especially on the east coast. The perennially blue New Jersey now has a Republican Governor-elect. In Virginia, Republicans swept the top three spots
From the Associated Press: ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) – Democrat Bill Owens has captured the special election for a New York congressional seat that became a fight over the identity of the Republican Party. Owens defeated Conservative Doug Hoffman and Republican
The GOP candidate is the most liberal in the race. As Big Government readers know, there is a philosophical battle brewing in upstate New York. A special election to replace departing Congressman John McHugh features a GOP candidate, Dede Scozzafave,