3 Texas Teachers Face Sex Misconduct Charges as School Wraps
While most educators look forward to summer vacation, the end of the school year brings sexual misconduct allegations, arrests, and charges for some Texas teachers.

While most educators look forward to summer vacation, the end of the school year brings sexual misconduct allegations, arrests, and charges for some Texas teachers.
About 600 men showed up for a “Breakfast with Dad” event at a Texas middle school when officials put out a call for assistance. The school officials wanted to make sure they had enough male mentors for the boys who signed up for the program.
Some Texas school districts are revisiting their zero tolerance policies to examine how they can better serve their most vulnerable population, students enrolled in pre-Kindergarten through second grade, by banning suspensions and other disciplinary punishments.
Authorities arrested a north Texas teacher and charged him with making a terroristic threat after he allegedly threatened to “burn alive” school district staff if he did not receive a pay raise.
The Dallas Independent School District plans to opt-out of some of its student assessments. Though it sounds good on first read and even speaks to the opt-out of standardized test-taking movement, in actuality, no mandated state testing is going away. The schools in the second largest district in Texas will dump roughly a third of their own self-imposed testing.
The number of Texas teachers charged with sexual misconduct continues to escalate even while school is out for summer vacation. June brought more allegations of educators engaging in this disturbing behavior that violates the trust placed in them to protect the state’s school children.
More Texas school districts seek to erase their Confederate history by rebranding campuses with politically correct names. This reality, sparked by the 2015 tragic, fatal shootings of nine black church parishioners in South Carolina, has only been exacerbated by images that surfaced of the shooter with the Confederate flag.
The Dallas Independent School District released the electronic mail threat received by staff on two of its campuses, revealing the hideous terror threat sent to schools across Texas this week, including the state’s largest school district in Houston. It was similar to the ones received by the Los Angeles Unified School District and New York schools.
Mayor Mike Rawlings said “Someone’s trying to scare Dallas,” following the Dallas Independent School District receipt of a terroristic threat last night. The threat was similar to the ones received by the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) and New York schools earlier this week. Determined to be “non-credible,” the second largest school district in Texas will remain open today.
Gov. Greg Abbott tapped longtime Dallas Independent School District Board of Trustee Mike Morath as the state’s next Education Commissioner to oversee the Texas Education Agency (TEA) for the state’s 1,200 school districts and charters, a decision already receiving mixed reviews.
Dallas Independent School District police detained a 13-year-old T.W. Browne Middle School female student Wednesday for allegedly making a terroristic threat against the campus over social media.
The Dallas Independent School District (ISD) Board of Trustees approved Dr. Michael Hinojosa, 59, as superintendent of schools in a 6-to-1 vote on Tuesday night.
No White House invitation or cause célèbre hashtags erupted over Twitter for the North Texas teen suspended last week after wearing an American flag T-shirt to high school. This happened on the same date, September 14, that Irving freshman Ahmed Mohamed brought to school his homemade suitcase clock.
Students heading back to public school next week expecting a side of French fries may be surprised to learn the only thing deep-fried in the Texas Agriculture Commissioner’s school lunch plan are its federal ties.
Mike Miles, the controversial superintendent of the Dallas Independent School District (ISD), announced his resignation in a press conference held on Tuesday morning.