John Kasich - Page 4

Arnold Schwarzenegger Pushing a Centrist GOP in the Age of Trump

LOS ANGELES — The year was 1990 and Republican U.S. Sen. Pete Wilson claimed his first term as California governor, replacing another Republican, George Deukmejian. Two years earlier, California voters helped send George H.W. Bush to the White House with a 3.6-point win over Democrat Michael Dukakis.

Arnold Schwarzenegger

EXCLUSIVE – Kobach: The Gun Confiscation Crusade Begins

The next chapter of the Parkland, Florida, school shooting saga has begun. Anti-gun interest groups and politicians have used the Parkland shooting to launch what, until recently, they regarded as a distant dream—a wave of state legislation authorizing the confiscation of firearms.

Rifles are piled up in the back of a Fulton County Sheriff's vehicle collected during

Kasich: Bulk of the GOP Is Pro-Immigration, Not Nationalist

On this weekend’s broadcast of on “Fox News Sunday,” Gov. John Kasich (R-OH) said the “bulk” of the Republican party was pro-immigration and not moving towards nationalism. Kasich said, “I think the bulk of the Republican Party — and I’ve
