Exclusive: South African Man Given U.S. Citizenship After Allegedly Murdering Alaskan Women
A South African man was able to become a naturalized American citizen after allegedly murdering two native Alaskan women, Breitbart News has learned.

A South African man was able to become a naturalized American citizen after allegedly murdering two native Alaskan women, Breitbart News has learned.
President Trump’s State Department will soon mandate that all foreign nationals seeking to enter the United States on a visa provide their social media accounts to screen out national security threats.
President Donald Trump’s State Department “wasted” an opportunity to temporarily halt family chain migration through a foreign fiancée visa program, according to a leading immigration expert.
The Obama administration is increasingly growing defensive, after two U.S. Navy boats and 10 sailors were detained by Iran, particularly while Republicans running for president argue that America has grown weaker under Obama’s leadership.
A California woman pleaded guilty on Tuesday for her part in a fraudulent family business that set up over 100 sham marriages.
House Judiciary Chairman Representative Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) stated that San Bernardino attacker Tashfeen Malik either overstayed her visa in Saudi Arabia, which should have raised red flags, or never met her fiancé, and that her visa to the US was
Texas Governor Greg Abbott tweeted out a reassuring message about the federal government’s anti-terrorism screening process Monday night. He quoted one of the questions in the K-1 fiancé visa application form.
President Barack Obama’s 2012 amnesty for “Dreamers”–illegal aliens who entered the United States as children–likely created the conditions under which one of the San Bernardino terrorists could enter the country.
U.S. House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) Friday released key findings of a review of San Bernardino terrorist Tashfeen Malik’s immigration file on Friday.
San Bernardino terrorist Tashfeen Malik allegedly told friends in Pakistan twice over Facebook that she had embraced radical Islam and jihad.
Representative Scott Perry (R-PA) reacted to reports that San Bernardino attacker Tashfeen Malik received a K-1 visa despite social media posts that indicated she had become radicalized by arguing, “you wonder if the existential threat is just ISIS…or is it also
The New York Times reported this weekend that U.S. officials approved San Bernardino murderer Tashfeen Malik to immigrate to the U.S.–even though she had gushed about jihad on social media. Malik entered the U.S. on a K-1 (fiancée) visa and
While discussing the San Bernardino attack Saturday on MSNBC, former FBI executive assistant director Shawn Henry noted the amount of fraud used by immigrants to get into the United States by using the K-1 visa, which is how the female
Texas Senator and Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz said that the vetting for San Bernardino attacker Tashfeen Malik “is the exact same vetting they are proposing to do for these Syrian Muslim refugees” and President Obama “acts as an apologist
Tashfeen Malik, the 27-year-old wife and accomplice of San Bernardino terrorist Syed Farook, 28, was in America on a K-1 (fiancée) visa and held a Pakistani passport.