Steven Sotloff

Obama Angered Hostage Families With Bowe Bergdahl Swap

Later this afternoon, Obama is expected to meet with some of the families of the slain hostages and announce his new policy that would allow families to privately pay ransoms to terrorists to recover their loved ones. According to Foreign Policy, only 24 of the 82 families that the administration contacted chose to participate in the hostage review.

Bowe Bergdahl release Taliban

Obama Finally Meets with ISIS Hostage Sotloff’s Family, 9 Months after Beheading

“President Obama met today with the family of Steven Sotloff — one of the American journalists brutally beheaded by ISIS last year,” ABC News reported Thursday. “The White House announced that Obama met with Art and Shirley Sotloff during his trip to Miami. The Sotloffs live in Florida, so the White House says it was ‘an appropriate occasion for the president to visit with them.'”

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