UK immigration - Page 5

Guardian: Mass Migration Pushing UK Wages Down

The growth in wages for UK workers is set to stall at just two per cent next year thanks to the large number of migrant workers waiting to fill vacancies, the Guardian has admitted. Referring to data from the Chartered

uk migration If immigration to Britain continues at the present rate, the country will nee

More Than a Third of UK Doctors Born Overseas

More than a third of doctors on Britain’s National Health Service (NHS) were born abroad, new figures reveal, raising fears of patient safety as medics struggle to make themselves understood. Figures from the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)

BIRMINGHAM, ENGLAND - MARCH 16: Nurses in the accident and emergency dept of Selly Oak Hos

Government Gives Up Looking For 10,000 Missing Migrants

The British government has given up looking for 10,000 missing migrants because to search for them would be a “drain on resources”, according to the chief inspector of borders and immigration. David Bolt said that a further 30,406 failed asylum


UK Asylum Seeker Applications Up By 19 Per Cent 

The number of asylum applications in the UK has increased by a fifth in the space of a year, according to figures from the Office for National Statistics (ONS). The new data shows that there were 29,024 applications of asylum in the

asylum seekers germany

300,000 Britons Demand: Close UK Borders Now

More than 300,000 Britons have signed a government petition calling for an immediate halt to all immigration into the UK until the so-called Islamic State is defeated. The petition has been live since September but received relatively little attention until

300,000 britons