Danish Minister Defends Ethnic Stats on Crime and Employment
Danish Minister of Foreign Affairs and Integration Mattias Tesfaye has defended studying non-European migrant links to crime and employment.

Danish Minister of Foreign Affairs and Integration Mattias Tesfaye has defended studying non-European migrant links to crime and employment.
The unemployment rate fell to 7.9%. That rate matches the same rate in the last jobs report before President Barack Obama was re-elected in 2012.
Economists had forecast 894,000 jobs and a decline in the unemployment rate to 8.2 percent.
Unemployment rose for a fifth straight month in Europe in August, narrowing the gap with the U.S. The continued rise in unemployment across the continent is feeding concerns that extensive government support programs won’t be able keep many businesses hit
The racial gap in unemployment narrowed during Trump’s presidency to its lowest level ever.
Back when Obama was running for president in 2012, Schumer was happy to celebrate smaller gains in employment.
Economists had forecast an addition of around 1.32 million jobs and a decline in the unemployment rate to 9.8 percent.
Economists had forecast an addition of 1.5 million jobs and a decline in the unemployment rate to 10.6 percent.
Economists had forecast the U.S. adding 3 million jobs in the month.
Minnesota’s unemployment rate hit 9.9 percent in May, reaching the highest point its ever been in the state, according to state data.
Michigan’s Democrat Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s decision to ban most residential construction during the coronavirus shutdown led to a 44 percent decline in Michigan construction jobs and contributed to her state’s second highest in the nation unemployment rate.
During an interview with Hill.TV’s “Rising,” on Tuesday, White House Coronavirus Task Force on the economy member Stephen Moore stated that the unemployment rate in the United States is “probably closer” to 20% and “could easily” hit 25%. Moore said,
Here’s how Donald Trump can get re-elected even if unemployment is higher than it has been since the Great Depression.
Coronavirus is already having a massive effect on the economy of Norway, with the unemployment rate more than doubling to 164,000 people.
Economists had been expecting 177,000 jobs in February.
According to Swedish unemployment statistics, the country’s region with the lowest unemployment is still much higher than the British average as unemployment figures continue to grow.
President Donald Trump ripped into former President Barack Obama’s economic failures and touted his economic success during the 2020 State of the Union Address Tuesday evening.
The Swedish Employment service has revealed that just 6.1 per cent of new arrival migrants were able to find full-time work not subsidised by the government last year.
Swedish bank Handelsbanken says Sweden’s economy has signs of weak growth and the unemployment rate has increased compared to other European Union member-states.
A “tremendous awakening” is happening in the country as more black voters are abandoning the Democrat Party and turning to support Trump.
Despite continued claims by the big business lobby and corporate interests that there are labor shortages in blue-collar and white-collar workforces, the latest federal employment data reveal that about 11.5 million unemployed and underemployed Americans want full-time jobs.
Minister of Public Administration Lena Micko claimed Sweden needs more refugees to fill jobs, despite the unemployment rate of migrants being several times higher than for native-born Swedes.
Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) claimed that President Trump has “sold out working people” despite smashing economic records, telling her audience that we need a new commander in chief because “dude gotta go.”
Sweden’s unemployment rate is rising and is now one of the highest in the European Union, despite Prime Minister Stefan Löfven promising to reduce it.
There were fewer people unemployed in America in August 2019 than there were in August 1975 when we were just shy of 69 million fewer people in the economy.
The American economy is providing jobs for younger African-Americans at an unprecedented level.
Elaine Parker of Job Creators Network writes at foxnews.com that the rising tide of President Trump’s economic reforms is indeed lifting all boats, especially among blue-collar workers and the bottom 25 percent of wage-earners.
Nearly 12 million Americans remain out of the United States labor force as the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) approved 30,000 more foreign workers businesses can bring to the country to take blue-collar U.S. jobs.
Sweden needs more migrants to keep its vast welfare state afloat despite the high unemployment rate for foreigners, according to the country’s Public Employment Service Director General Mikael Sjöberg.
Increasing legal immigration levels beyond the already roughly 1.2 million legal immigrants who are admitted to the United States every year would subject the remaining unemployed population to more foreign competition in their efforts to find jobs.
Because a law signed last week guarantees furloughed workers will be paid, they will not be counted as unemployed even if they are not working.
Migrant youths make up nearly half of the unemployed youth in France, according to statistics gathered by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).
Foreign workers are continuing to make significant employment and job gains over native-born Americans, newly released Bureau of Labor Statistics data reveals.
Data released by the Labor Department on Friday reveal that 4.8 million more Americans have joined the work force since President Trump took office in January 2017.
Alfredo Ortiz of Job Creators Network writes in The Hill that the Federal Reserve raising its rates this week would not only rock shaky financial markets, but, more significantly, threaten one of the best economies and labor markets in a generation.
Wages in the UK have risen faster than at any time in almost 10 years, just months ahead of the official Brexit date.
Alfred Ortiz writes for The Hill about the myriad positive effects of economic growth on working Americans and concludes that beneficiaries therefrom should have a clear choice at the ballot box in November.
Although September’s figure came in lower than expected, huge revisions for August and July indicate the labor market is thriving in the United States.
Alfred Ortiz of Job Creators Network writes in the Hill that voters need only examine their wallets and pocketbooks to determine how to vote in the upcoming midterm elections.
Elaine Parker writes in Real Clear Policy about the policy avenues being pursued in the expanding economy to assure small businesses have competitive access to qualified, skilled workers to fill their growing needs.