Britain Bans Michael Savage (Again), Welcomes Che's Daughter

General Franco is still dead and after a year of legal wrangling popular radio-host Michael Savage is still banned (in Britain.) The new Conservative British government of Prime Minister David Cameron is sticking by former Labor Home Secretary Jacqui Smith’s decision from May of last year. “Coming to the U.K. is a privilege,” explained the Home Secretary at the time, “and I refuse to extend that privilege to individuals who abuse our standards and values and who foster extremist views as I want them to know that they are not welcome here. Mr. Savage engages in unacceptable behavior by seeking to provoke others to serious criminal acts and fostering hatred.”


The new British government informed Mr. Savage his exclusion stands because of “the absence of clear, convincing and public evidence that he has repudiated his previous statements.”

Instead of the false contrition, groveling and confessions that Stalin, Mao and Che Guevara demanded from the subjects they accused of “thought crimes,” (before murdering them) Michael Savage sought to repudiate his listing alongside terrorists and Nazis by resorting to the tenets of Western jurisprudence and presenting evidence to the contrary.

“His bad” some might quip regarding the strategy. In today’s Britain what’s left of the Magna Carta only work s in favor of actual Islamic terrorists.

One month after insulting and banning Michael Savage last summer, Britain opened her arms to Che Guevara’s daughter, Aleida. The occasion was a celebration in London titled Cuba50, billed as “the biggest European celebration in the 50th anniversary year of the Cuban Revolution. “In London’s expansive Barbican Centre, Britain threw the continent’s biggest party commemorating fifty years of Castro’s Stalinist regime, which jailed political prisoners at a higher rate than Stalin’s, murdered political prisoners at a higher rate than pre-war Hitler’s, and came closest of anyone to plunging the world into nuclear war.

Che’s daughter was there to promote, in her own words: “my father’s ideals, his concerns, and his ambitions. I believe that my father is a banner to the world. If we could only follow his example, the world would be a much more beautiful place.”

Fine. Let’s have a look at Aleida’s father’s “ambitions,” keeping in mind that what got Michael Savage banned was his purported “fostering of extremist views” and his “hate speech.”

Hatred as the central element of our struggle!” raved Ernesto ‘Che’ Guevara in his 1966 Message to the Tricontinental Conference in Havana. “Hatred that is intransigent…hatred so violent that it propels a human being beyond his natural limitations, making him violent and cold- blooded killing machine…We reject any peaceful approach. Violence is inevitable. To establish Socialism rivers of blood must flow… The imperialist enemy must feel like a hunted animal wherever he moves. Thus we’ll destroy him! These hyenas (Americans) are fit only for extermination. We must keep our hatred alive and fan it to paroxysm! The victory of Socialism is well worth millions of atomic victims!”


No rational person would require much elasticity of definition to classify Aleida’s father’s–this “banner to the world!”–speech. And Aleida Guevara, in an interview with the Guardian during the visit, boasted of her fervent “fostering” of her father’s views. “I want to be like Che and fight until final victory, then you feel elated! It is preferable to sink in the sea than to betray the glory that once lived!”

“Gay-bashing” seems to figure big in Britain’s definition of hate speech. But apparently when this bashing comes in the literal form, involving Soviet gun-butts and bayonets bashing a gay’s head until he dies from massive cerebral trauma, it fails to fall under her definition of “Hate Speech.”

The British government gives no indication that in the process of “promoting her fathers’ ideals” Aleida Guevara presented the slightest offense to Britain’s “standards and values.”


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