Sound Bite for the Day: Howard Kurtz Falsely Claims that Ed Schultz Apologized for Perry Smear


For the record, Mr. Schultz stated that he regretted the error of including a deceptively edited video clip of Gov. Perry. He never apologized for the racist implication he made with the severely edited clip. A media watchdog journalist like Howard Kurtz should know these facts before misinforming his audience.

“By cutting off the tape Schultz seemed to be suggesting it was some kind of racial reference … to his credit Schultz acknowledged his mistake and apologized.”

Schultz apologized only for the video edit, not for the racial implication. He continued to call Perry’s remark “over-heated rhetoric.” His strategy of do first, ask forgiveness later is evident here. It was easy for Schultz to plant the seed of racism with a video edit and then circle back to apologize for the edit. There is no credit due here.


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