Thursday Crib Sheet: Denver Post Corrects, North Korean Media Doctors Photos

The Denver Post fabricates gun statistics, is called out, and corrects:

Editor’s note: This story was corrected. Because of a reporting error, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention statistics on fatal shooting accidents involving children in 2007 were overstated. The number of children under 18 was 112. Also, the story misstated the number of children believed to be living in homes with guns. A survey published in Pediatrics magazine indicated, with a 95 percent confidence level, that between 1.57-1.82 million children live in a home with loaded and unlocked guns.

Kudos to Free Colorado for the sharp eye and the Denver Post for printing a correction in bold.

Big Journalism’s Dana Loesch will provide analysis throughout the Iowa caucus:

On the night of the caucus, CNN will utilize its anchors, including Blitzer, Crowley, John King, Anderson Cooper and Erin Burnett, from 7 p.m.-midnight from the Election Center and in Iowa. Political analyst Gloria Borger, senior political analyst David Gergen, poltiical contributors James Carville, Ari Fleishcer, Dana Loesch and Roland Martin will also participate.

Reddit targets Paul Ryan.

Michelle Obama wears two-thousand dollar sundresses on her taxpayer-supported Hawaiian vacation. Do you think the media will report this the same way they reported Gingrich’s Tiffany credit line or Romney’s bet?

– What? The beyond-Communist North Korean media/government Photoshopped photos of Kim Jong Il’s funeral to make it appear as though every single soul in the country was sobbing and giving their undivided attention to the procession?

The 2011 cable network ranker.

Bill Maher’s Tebow Tweet sparks calls for HBO protest:

Bill Maher has run afoul of religious conservatives yet again, after a Christmas Eve tweet the comedian sent about overtly religious Denver Broncos quarterback Tim Tebow. Following a 40-14 Broncos’ loss to the Buffalo Bills on Saturday, Maher tweeted, “Wow, Jesus just… #TimTebow bad! And on Xmas Eve! Somewhere in hell Satan is tebowing, saying to Hitler ‘Hey, Buffalo’s killing them’. (Adult language has been removed from the Tweet.)

Predictably, the dig from the atheist comedian didn’t go over well with Christians. Fox Business’ “Follow the Money” host Eric Bolling got things rolling with his Twitter response: “Bill Maher is disgusting vile trash. I can’t even repeat what he just tweeted about Tebow..on Christmas Eve. #straighttohellBill.”

And people are surprised? The guy made a movie bashing religion. It’s not as though we’re just discovering a deeply religious man mocking faith; it’s his bread and butter. In a world where even the shock is losing shock-value, I wasn’t all that affected. More like, “meh,” then I went right on celebrating the birth of our Lord and Savior.

CNN begins bounce back, “AC360” is tops.

BBC names a panda as a woman of the year.


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