Some of you younger folks might not remember this, but there was a time when the media questioned Power. No, really, once upon a time, the media saw it as its duty to be forever questioning and skeptical of Power, especially when Power was in pursuit of more power.
For example, Obama is attempting to grab more power for The State and criminals by way of gun control laws that infringe on our Second Amendment civil rights. In order to make his case, Obama is attempting to appear reasonable on the issue of guns, and one way he did this was to reassure Americans that he too is a sport shooter, and enjoys skeet shooting at Camp David.
Now, to those familiar with Obama’s record of opposing guns at every turn and lying about almost everything, that struck us as odd.
Today, however, the White House released a photo that purports to show Obama (love that tucked-in shirt) shooting skeet last August. Except… he’s shooting straight ahead, which means that there’s either a barn door somewhere in need of some patching, or Obama is such an awesome skeet shooter, he hits them as they come out of the firing device.
I keed, I keed. There are legitimate reasons that would explain the angle of his gun, but….
Because the photo is odd, some are asking perfectly legitimate questions.
But not the media.
What did the media do?
Because the media no longer questions or is skeptical of Power, and instead sees its role as protector of The State, the media mocked those who were skeptical:
That doesn’t include tweets mocking skeptics that the likes of Ben Smith and a number of Politico reporters are gleefully retweeting.
Thus far, I haven’t seen a single tweet from the media making the point that a single photo doesn’t quite square the circle of Obama making it sound as though he regularly shoots skeet.
Couple important things to keep in mind: Again, Obama is using skeet-shooting as a political talking point to further an agenda. So this is not an inconsequential matter, as some claim.
Secondly, while firing off this talking point, Obama made it sound as though he regularly shoots skeet. But it won’t matter that the White House has only released a single photo and thus far refuses to disclose how many times Obama’s actually shot skeet.
You see, the media is proud to publicly proclaim that it doesn’t matter if Obama lies. No, really. How depressing to know a White House reporter at a major news outlet doesn’t give a “rat’s a**” if the president of the United States is lying:
So why so much immediate mockery from the media? Well, rather than pushback against a White House trying to shut down skeptics, as soon as this tweet was released from a top Obama guy, the media did as it was told:
The media and The State are now one.
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