Joe Scarborough: Pelosi in ‘Complete Control’ of Her Caucus

US House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi chats with colleagues before US President Barack Oba

MSNBC Morning Joe host Joe Scarborough on Friday argued House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) is in “complete control” of her caucus despite numerous Democrats pressing forward with impeachment efforts against her wishes.

A partial transcript is as follows: 

SCARBOROUGH: First of all, let’s talk about Nancy Pelosi. She’s been pitch perfect —
BRZEZINSKI: —So elegant.
SCARBOROUGH: — time and time again. She was the person that oversaw the greatest defeat of the Republican Party in midterms, in terms of vote, in the history of this country. She also oversaw the greatest gain of seats by Democrats since Watergate in 1974. Republicans have been running against her for years and it just has failed miserably. The first woman to ever be elected Speaker of the House in 2006 and she comes roaring back in 2018 with a truly historic wipeout of the Republican Party, and man, she is in complete control of her caucus and of the Democratic message right now.

BRZEZINSKI: You know, I was interviewing her for one of my Know Your Value books thats coming out next fall and I talked to her about negotiating and I’ll try to remember the exact quote, but she said, One of the reasons why I’m an expert negotiator, why I am so good at negotiating is that I have a supreme knowledge of the data, the information, of the content that which I am negotiating. She goes, I have a supreme knowledge, I have discipline, I know what I’m doing and it all makes me an excellent negotiator.” And, she was giving advice to women on negotiating skills, but her confidence was, I mean, I wast just enjoying the interview so much and I was loving that she is doing what she’s doing and is in the job as Speaker of the House, which is one of the highest positions in the country.


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