Nolte: Tucker Carlson’s Net Favorability with Republicans 62 Points Higher than Fox News’s

WASHINGTON, DC - MARCH 29: Fox News host Tucker Carlson discusses 'Populism and the R
Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

A Change Research poll shows Tucker Carlson’s net favorability rating with Republicans is 62 points higher than Fox News’s.

Sixty-two points.



What should be especially troubling to the cucks at Fox News is that this is a poll of their viewing base—not just of Republicans but likely Republican primary voters. Republican primary voters are the die-hards. I am a Republican primary voter. Change Research polled 404 of them nationwide and discovered the following…

The respondents were asked, “How favorable are your feelings” about Fox News? Only eight percent said “very favorable,” and only 26 percent said “somewhat favorable.” That’s a weak favorability rating for Fox News of just 34 percent…with Republicans.

Alternately, 14 percent of those polled had a “somewhat unfavorable” feeling towards Cuck News, while 23 percent said “very unfavorable.” That is a total unfavorability rating of 37 percent.


When your favorability rating is 34 percent and your unfavorability rating is 37 percent, you have a net favorability rating of -3 points.

When asked the same question about Tucker Carlson, a whopping 49 percent said they had a “very favorable” feeling about him, while another 21 percent said “somewhat favorable.” That’s a total favorability rating of 70 percent.

Meanwhile, only 11 percent had a “very” or “somewhat” unfavorable impression of Carlson.

This puts Carlson’s net favorability rating at +59 points.


If Carlson’s net favorability rating is +59 and the Fox News Channel’s net favorability is -3, that means Carlson’s favorability rating is a net 62 points higher than Fox’s.

That is astonishing.

The poll also showed that Elon Musk’s net favorability rating with likely Republican primary voters is +53. So yep, the green energy guy has a net favorability rating 56 points higher than Fox News.

That is equally astonishing and shows just how badly Fox News screwed up.

We could be at a real crisis point for Fox News. Between meddling in the 2020 election with that early call of Arizona and firing Carlson, the outlet’s loyal viewers sound fed up. Fox’s ratings have fallen since Carlson’s firing, and people now have alternatives like Newsmax and OAN—TV news outlets that do not take their viewers for granted.

Just last month, Fox looked indestructible.

Now Fox is barely beating MSNBC in average primetime viewers.

Fox News sucks.

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