Watch: Livestream Defeat Jihad Summit

On Wednesday from 9 a.m.–  2 p.m. ET, Breitbart News will livestream the “How to Defeat Jihad Summit” from Washington, D.C., brought to you by Frank Gaffney and the Center for Security Policy.

Among those participating in the Defeat Jihad Summit will be Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), Gov. Bobby Jindal (R-LA), former Attorney General Michael Mukasey, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, Dutch parliamentarian Geert Wilders, Britain’s Lord Malcolm Pearson, former House Intelligence Committee Chairman Pete Hoekstra, Danish free speech advocate Lars Hedegaard, former federal prosecutor Andrew McCarthy and roughly three dozen other freedom fighters.

The alternative summit’s roundtable will focus on three topics:

1. The nature of the enemy we face – the Global Jihad Movement and its animating ideology of shariah, i.e., not something euphemistically and misleadingly called “violent extremism”;

2. The actual degree to which the present policy for addressing this threat has been successful or a failure – a realistic appraisal devoid of the cheerleading, wishful thinking, misdirection and worse that colors Ms. Rice’s every utterance (predictably, to include those served up at Brookings tomorrow) and that will be the leitmotif of the CVE Summit, with its official/Muslim Brotherhood and fellow-traveling participants;

3. An alternative approach that is fact-based, non-submissive to jihadist threats and influence operations and, ideally based on a strategy proven to be successful in countering totalitarian ideologies bent on our destruction – i.e., the Secure Freedom Strategy modeled on the one President Reagan launched 32 years ago last month that sought, and achieved, the liquidation of Soviet communism and its “Evil Empire.”

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