Bernstein: What We’re Seeing in Trump Presidency ‘Worse Than Watergate’

On Thursday’s edition of CNN’s “Wolf,” journalist, author, and CNN Political Analyst Carl Bernstein stated, “what we are watching in the Trump presidency is worse than Watergate.” He later added that President Trump “is a demonstrable authoritarian in terms of his rhetoric, in terms of whipping up his base.”

Bernstein said, “I think it’s time to recognize that what we are watching in the Trump presidency is worse than Watergate. It’s worse than Watergate, as I say, because the system worked in Watergate. The heroes of Watergate were Republicans who demanded that the president be held accountable, who demanded that he be transparent, who demanded to know what did the president know and when did he know it, and who conducted bipartisan investigation that led, in fact, to understanding and finding out what Nixon had done. Whereas, the Republicans on Capitol Hill thusfar, have done almost everything they can to impede and undermine legitimate investigation. And so, it’s a totally different and much more dangerous situation. And also, Donald Trump is a demonstrable authoritarian in terms of his rhetoric, in terms of whipping up his base. Nixon did not do anything similar to that. You did not see rallies such as we saw the other night, intended to send an authoritarian message, as we saw.”

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