Hillary and Bill Toss Kids From Playground for Campaign Event

The Associated Press
The Associated Press

As the New York Post reports, Hillary Clinton scheduled a big campaign event that includes Bill Clinton at Four Freedoms Park on Roosevelt Island, forcing the cancellation of “a specially-planned event for tots called Imagination Playground.”

The event had to be cancelled to accommodate Hillary and Bill. One local official who has supported Hillary in the past called her “tone deaf.”

“We are not just a memorial and a park. We’re a thriving community of 14,000 people. It’s just tone-deaf to ignore that,” he added.

The now-cancelled children’s event isn’t the only problem caused by Team Hillary.

Also at risk of major inconvenience: an annual celebration called Roosevelt Island Day, which features a blood drive, hot dog stands and free rides for kids.

According to Sherie Helstien, VP of the local community association“It’s going to be horrendous logistically.” Well, not for Hillary. The Secret Service are sure to clear a wide path for her and Bill.

The criticisms don’t stop there.

“I think the campaign should have reached out to the community representatives of 14,000 people — absolutely,” fumed Matthew Katz, former president of the association…

“We would hope this would not impact the kind of participation we have for what we’re doing,” Katz said. “This seems to be for a political campaign sort of not particularly savvy in terms of the purpose of the thing — kind of tone-deaf actually,” he continued.

“So we’re hoping that we can, through our local politicians, persuade the campaign perhaps to spend a little time with people. That would be nice.”

Yes, wouldn’t it. But then, if they genuinely cared about “the people,” perhaps they could have checked the park schedule before taking it over that day.


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