Oliver Stone Blames Bush (the Elder) for Current Russian Crisis

Oliver Stone Blames Bush (the Elder) for Current Russian Crisis

Far-left director Oliver Stone is weighing in on Russia’s annexation of Crimea, and guess which side he’s taking?

Stone noted the spiking popularity of Russia’s Vladimir Putin on his Facebook page before pointing the blame for the current geopolitical crisis on the Bush family.

While many liberals routinely pin many of the problems surrounding the Obama presidency to his predecessor, President George W. Bush, Stone pointed the finger at another Bush via social media.

The entire world would be a far more peaceful place now if Bush father had any vision or generosity like Roosevelt or Kennedy, but instead he turned out to be another Truman in his time. Even though he would become a mere footnote to his son’s Caligula-like depredations on ‘the Empire.’

The W. director used Facebook to share his approval for Rutgers University professors voting Condoleeza Rice off campus and to slam the media for its “anti-Russian” groupthink.


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