Santorum: Obama 'Intentionally Trying to Degrade Our Military'

Fresh off his impressive finish in the Iowa caucuses on Tuesday, Rick Santorum criticized Obama’s foreign policy with some of the harshest words we’ve heard this entire campaign season:

You could certainly go down the route that he’s intentionally trying to degrade our military and intentionally trying to change the entire foreign policy of this country to allow international organizations and other powers like Russia and China to have more influence in this world… I don’t think there is any question that’s his intention, that he thinks America is a source of ill in the world…

In the campaign leading up to the 2008 election, then-candidate Obama assured us that he would improve America’s image in the world. It’s been three years now, so it’s fair to examine how he’s gone about pursuing that goal. According to Sen. Santorum, he’s done so by intentionally decreasing our influence in the world and allowing Russia and China to fill the void.

Satorum’s suggestion that the the President considers America “a source of ill in the world” is a bold one, but it’s certainly worth contemplation. Obama, after all, is a product of our graduate school system and the American left, where the notion of American exceptionalism is non-existent but the mantras of “equality above all” and “war is not the answer” are taken as gospel.

Surely, we can all agree that the President has no interest in spreading America’s influence around the world. So, is it that far fetched to suggest he’d like to lessen it? Certainly not.

Santorum went on to call for a larger armed forces that he says would limit the current military from too many repeat deployments.


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